Lenten Prayer
©2010 Anita L. Rodriguez, Lenten Prayer, Acrylic on canvas, 12 x 24 inches
This painting was born when it was just too cold! I just wanted to see and feel Spring, so I looked at some photos I'd taken the year before of the flowering quince in our front yard. Leaving out some details from the photo kept the focus on the branches: both the ones in the foreground with the delicate pink blossoms and the the barren ones in the back against a featureless warm blue sky.
This painting was born when it was just too cold! I just wanted to see and feel Spring, so I looked at some photos I'd taken the year before of the flowering quince in our front yard. Leaving out some details from the photo kept the focus on the branches: both the ones in the foreground with the delicate pink blossoms and the the barren ones in the back against a featureless warm blue sky.