©2013 Anita L. Rodriguez, Wisdom, watercolor on paper, 7x9 inches
This started out as a challenge: create a painting using only the 3 primaries and their mixtures. I also had a vinyl "lace" doily that worked for the aura of what I saw as a spark in the upper center. The spark reminded me of a reading from the book of Wisdom 3:7 - "In the time of their visitation they shall shine and shall dart about as sparks through stubble..." (NAB). Hence, the title.
This started out as a challenge: create a painting using only the 3 primaries and their mixtures. I also had a vinyl "lace" doily that worked for the aura of what I saw as a spark in the upper center. The spark reminded me of a reading from the book of Wisdom 3:7 - "In the time of their visitation they shall shine and shall dart about as sparks through stubble..." (NAB). Hence, the title.